
Sako riihimaki no 37015
Sako riihimaki no 37015

sako riihimaki no 37015

Curiously enough however,noone does.because they suck. It is certainly doable to start yanking plug wires from under the hood of a fast twist 223AI,to replicate Deuce 50's if one was so easily enthralled. But of course that is easy for me to say,because I've had/have 'em all,which squarely includes numerous rifles in Deuce. NOTHING is more fun than a handy/dandy light done right 223AI,wearing a fast twist spout. It takes real willpower and crossed-eyes,to walk away from soooooooo much inherent excellence on "purpose". Look at all them boolits that cain't be shot,due to twist and the magbox. 378" right and they make fair to middlin' clubs. I hear good things about a 53XLC.īuild a 'maki. BC isn't really the impetus in that application,but because of the constant that boolits matter more than headstamps.projectile construction assuredly is. Thanks.a belly laugh is a great way to kickstart a morning!Ĭonventional "wisdom" would side with SD,but it's a moot designator. Much enjoyed your Estrogen fueled rant and how you wove all 17 of your IQ points in at once as well. As an aside,I doubt 1000 rifles,but would concede it being more than one and having the luxury of not being forced to guess.is fairly "unfair". Sugar,the differences are well more discrepant than hanging fruit,which was/is the point. You may consider contacting AirSoft,plead your case and perhaps they'll produce a Special Mall Ninja Windowlicker's run of Sako's(Socko is how you wanna enunciate the brand over the phone,to lend credence to your whine),so you can make headway on your practicing Pretend with your Imagination. Tell me,what's it like to be led to water and stand there with legs locked,refusing refreshment? Laffin'!

sako riihimaki no 37015

Ain't it a "quaint" arrangement,that I'm as impressed with how little you shoot,as you are how much I shoot. You'd think someone woulda mentioned by now,that CM cain't begin to hang and far too trite mag latitude stings very much.

sako riihimaki no 37015

378" wearing a high zoot stock,high zoot spout and high zoot coating,is still well shy of over the counter Montucky 223 excellence. You accidentally make a very good point,that a Sako. I know Sako's more than exceptionally well and much enjoy your cluelessness. Pretty much like comparing apples to oranges. Does that make any sense, guessing probably not? I wouldn't mind having one myself, but than I'd make a post about my KIMBER in an appropriate thread not titled SAKO. Go make a thread and post in it every second about your 1000 rifle that you put a new 500-600.00 stock on and a new 500-600.00 re-barrel and had coated if that's what gets your rocks off. There's a 101 other threads on Kimber, how many about old classics that maybe some other people enjoy? Glad you like your Kimber, but what part of SAKO is hard to comprehend? S A K O not K I M B E R

Sako riihimaki no 37015